Workshop by Mark Solms  (C1723)

Affective neuroscience as a foundation for modernized and integrated curricula for psychotherapists

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Invitational workshop for psychotherapy teachers.
  • Inhoud

    In the first part of this workshop Solms will present the recent developments in the field of affective neuroscience and relate them to key concepts in the diverse psychotherapeutic orientations (CBT, systemic, experiential , psychoanalytic, group psychotherapy).

    In the second part of the workshop he will elaborate on his ideas about how these findings affect our understanding of psychopathology and psychotherapeutic technique; and therefore the training of psychotherapists. There will be ample time for the exchange of ideas on how education in the diverse orientations has to reckon with, or is affected by, the new findings in affective neuroscience, and how these findings can bring together diverse perspectives.

    Mark Solms

    Wat leer je?

    The goal of this workshop would be opening up the terrain of affective neuroscience for a broad group of senior psychotherapists involved in training curricula for the postmasters title of psychotherapist, and helping them to translate these ideas in their teachings.

  • Datums


    3 dagen van 9.30-16.30 uur


    25, 27 en 28 november 2017


  • Accreditatie


    A certificate will be granted to participants who complete the workshop.

  • Doelgroep

    • Psychotherapeut BIG
    Participants will be invited for this workshop, selected on the basis of their participation in curricula for the postmaster training of psychotherapists.

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