Dr. Stella Acquarone

Dr. Stella Acquarone
Stella Acquarone, PhD,  is an Adult and Child Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist and founder of the Parent Infant Clinic and School of Infant Mental Health in 1990 and the International Pre-Autistic Network (an international charity registered in the UK). Based in London. She has worked with parents and infants for 32 years in the NHS and privately, pioneering and laying the foundations of parent-infant psychotherapy. Academic, clinician, teacher, lecturer, conference organiser, researcher, and author, she has presented, led workshops and trained professionals all over the world and has published many papers and several books, including “Infant Parent Psychotherapy: A Handbook for Professionals'' (Karnac), and “Signs of Autism in Infants: Recognition and Early Intervention'' (Karnac). She has been researching and working with infants with autistic tendencies since 1980 and her “special child focus” programmes offers an intensive early intervention treatment approach administered by a multidisciplinary therapy team and based on psychoanalytic thinking.